Drives : Thai VS Australian

No, we are not racing here.

One of my interests is car. Here is what I see.
1. A Thai medium-rich person could earn A$8,000 annually, an Australian would earn A$36,000 annually (let alone tax stuffs.) 350% higher
2. A standard mid-size Japanese car, say Toyota Corolla, that is assembled in a factory based in Thailand would cost around A$28,000 and cost A$21,000 in Australia. 25% cheaper
3. Fine rate for speeding in Thailand would cost at maximum A$18, in Australia is about A$180. 90% higher
4. Thai people always complain about traffic, potholes, public transportation, and fine rate.
5. Thai people always bribe the policemen when they are ticketted (isn't it real my friends?). The bribe is like A$4 (a hundred-baht banknote is good for a ticket.)
6. Thai people are worried that the money they pay for fine will not go to the government account. (So you bribe?)
7. Public transportation in Thailand always improves its fares. The very popular reason is the world fuel price.
8. Thai people hate traffic police while they always cry for help from police when they involve in an accident.
9. Thai people disregard the traffic rules while scold at others when they can't make way through, and always ask for kindliness from others.
10. Thai people modify their cars to the extreme and illegally, while the fine is very low.

The point 1-4 show that Thais are being exploited in automobile business. However, Thai people have very high brand loyolty. They always protect their cars.

For the point 5-9, I don't know what is it like in Australia. I am too embarrased to ask.

So should I protect my country by saying only good things? Thai people love to develop their own culture without supervise from the authorise.

STILL! I love to live in Thailand. Hahaha!
