Setup Python on Windows for Mathematics with NumPy and MatPlotLib
System Check
Know your Windows. Is it 32-bit or 64-bit version?You can check using System Properties (Press ⊞ + Break)
At System Type, my machine is using 64-bit Windows.
- Python 3.5+ from Python Website. Pick the one for your OS (32 or 64 bits).
- For NumPy and MatPlotLib, we will skip compiling and building process by using the pre-compile packages from UC Irvine. Save them in a folder, say "C:\cal1"
- NumPy,
- MatPlotLib,
- Double click Python installation file
- Click on Add Python 3.x to PATH
- And click Install Now
- Open a command-line interface (CLI),
- Press ⊞ (Windows key) and type cmd, press Enter.
- Change your current directory to C:\cal1 (where you saved NumPy and MatPlotLib)
cd c:\cal1
- Run Python Package manager (PIP) to install these packages
pip install numpy‑1.12.0+mkl‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl
- and
pip install matplotlib‑1.5.3‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl
That's it!
Installation failure could happen due to many reasons. The most common one is typing mistake. Check your spelling for all these commands. Or if you have any questions, drop it in the comment section below.